This year Crosspoint has joined Business Days Conferences, event that will take place on 10th of December at the Romano-American University. Ovidiu Chiorean, Managing Partner Investment Banking division at Crosspoint will be speaking at two round tables regarding „Excellence in the relation with clients” and „The future strategy form an influential city prespective”, Costin Fasie, Project Manager Investment Banking will be attending the round table which debates „The use of the online environment and mobile technology for the businesses success”.

This year the event is focused on 4 majors themes: – Entrepreneurship – the use of the online environment and mobile technology for the businesses success – Strategy – the future strategy form an influential city prespective. How can businesses get involved in the implementation of the long term development strategies – HR – the management of the generations in the present economic climate – Education – the future of education and the role that business environment has to play in the revivement and development of educational system in our country.

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